
URBN Dental Uptown

Dentist Houston Tx

How long does a root canal take to heal?

A root canal may seem like a scary procedure, but it’s actually no more difficult or painful than getting your teeth cleaned at the dentist office. Root canals are the most common procedure done in dental offices, with more than 15 million performed every year in the United States alone, and they are often used to save teeth that are affected by decay or injury. But what exactly happens during the procedure? How long does it take to complete? And how long will you have to stay off those pearly whites until you can safely chew food again?


Overall, how long do root canals last?

Root canals are known for being extremely effective. They’re also some of the most painful dental procedures you can undergo. While root canal recovery time varies based on what kind of damage has been done and how quickly your body will repair itself, most tooth injuries require at least six months of healing time. The good news is that even if you have a damaged nerve, it won’t spread like an infection would in other parts of your body. Nerves are fixed in place, so they don’t run around doing any damage while they’re healing—they simply do nothing until they're better again!


A Root Canal Procedure Explained

A root canal procedure is often carried out under local anesthesia. The dentist drills through your tooth’s enamel, exposing and removing a small part of your tooth's inner chamber (known as your pulp). They will then clean and disinfect that part of your tooth. If there are any further problems in that area, they will treat them, then seal up both ends of your tooth with filling material. The entire procedure is typically completed within two hours and you should be able to leave immediately after receiving treatment.


Post-Op Instructions and Pain Management

Recovery from root canals and other procedures may be slow, so it’s important to follow your dentist’s post-op instructions. In general, a root canal typically takes one or two weeks to recover. During that time, you may experience some pain or sensitivity—but if you do, it’s important not to ignore these symptoms. The longer you wait without treatment of these symptoms, like painkillers or natural home remedies like tea bag compresses, soreness can persist for several weeks or months. Ultimately, root canal recovery time is largely dependent on your own healing process but there are ways that you can speed up your body's ability to recover from any dental procedure.


Getting Back to Life as Normal

Your dentist will advise you on when you can resume your normal activities and at what point it’s safe to begin eating soft foods. Root canals are not considered major surgeries, but you should still follow your dentist’s orders carefully so that you don’t hurt yourself or delay your recovery. You might be able to get back to work in about two days and resuming most activities within 10 days of getting a root canal. It may take anywhere from 2 weeks up to 6 months for your mouth to feel completely back to normal, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t at least try resuming life as normal after just 10 days.


What Is the Root Cause of Your Toothache?

In order to provide you with high-quality care, your dentist has gone through extensive education, training and experience. Dentists must complete at least four years of school and an additional two or more years of specialized training in order to earn their dental degree. As part of your treatment plan, you may need an X-ray or other diagnostic tool in order for your dentist to identify if there is an infection in the tooth. An infection can lead to pain and if left untreated, can cause further damage that could require additional treatment or even extraction. If you are experiencing toothache symptoms such as jaw pain, swelling, redness or pus coming from around your teeth/gums; consult with a professional immediately! If you would like more information on root canal recovery time click here .


Taking Care of Your Remaining Teeth During Recovery

There are several actions you can take to minimize discomfort and hasten recovery during root canal treatment. Rinsing with salt water after eating, chewing sugarless gum, resting your jaw and practicing good oral hygiene are all critical components of root canal recovery time. If you're in pain after treatment or experience any sort of infection (e.g., swelling or discharge), contact your dentist right away. Root canals often result in sensitivity, but they don't always mean that you'll have to avoid certain foods forever; work with your dentist on eating habits that best suit your personal situation.

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